My work is dedicated to:

The Deaf who helped me see things I could never hear.

The Blind who helped me hear things I could never see.

To Wheelchair Users who took me down paths that I could never walk.

To Individuals with Cancer who helped me understand what really matters.

Works can be commissioned for corporate and residential settings requesting certain colors and dimensions.


R. Skevis

As a synergistic colorist, the effect of the whole kaleidoscopic experience is greater than the sum of its colorful parts. There is a powerful energy in color. Without the distraction of representational forms and subject matter, the color becomes subject and object, bursting forth in crescendos that lead the viewer to an emotional reaction based on a symphony of experiences, associations, and memories brought forward by the colors. Color becomes a reflective prism of our inner life, grounded in our past, living in the present and projecting into the future. Each painting should provoke the viewers to finish the painting in their minds even after they leave the presence of the art. Color is a language of the mysterious within us. It is a process that is never finished. It creates an effect that creates more effects and becomes an emotional palate. Our world is saturated by color; it becomes the threads of the fabric of the tapestry of our lives and embodies the energy of life.

Contact Information

R. Skevis

(989) 560 - 1028 | (989) 560 - 7720